RSVP Not Confirmed until Payment is Submitted. RSVP by Friday, January 17th.
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
Presenting Sponsors
Advanced Dental Center of Florence
Dr. Joe L. Griffin (Delta Epsilon ’78)
Austin Wilson State Farm
Austin C. Wilson (Delta Tau ’12)
Durham Specialty Insurance
W. Christian Durham (Delta Tau ’13)
Kirby Financial & Associates
Blake C. Kirby (Delta Omicron ’16)
Dr. C. Edward Floyd (Rho '53)
Matthew R. Ray (Delta Tau ’06)
Dr. C. Dorn Smith III (Delta ’77)
Old Gold Sponsors
John C. Gasque (Delta Tau '75)
Palmetto Commercial
Kent C. Caudle (Delta Tau ’15)
Magnolia Lodge No. 53, F.A.A.M.
R. Dustin James (Delta Tau ’10)
Presenting Sponsors
Advanced Dental Center of Florence
Dr. Joe L. Griffin (Delta Epsilon ’78)
Austin Wilson State Farm
Austin C. Wilson (Delta Tau ’12)
Durham Specialty Insurance
W. Christian Durham (Delta Tau ’13)
Kirby Financial & Associates
Blake C. Kirby (Delta Omicron ’16)
Dr. C. Edward Floyd (Rho '53)
Matthew R. Ray (Delta Tau ’06)
Dr. C. Dorn Smith III (Delta ’77)
Old Gold Sponsors
John C. Gasque (Delta Tau '75)
Palmetto Commercial
Kent C. Caudle (Delta Tau ’15)
Magnolia Lodge No. 53, F.A.A.M.
R. Dustin James (Delta Tau ’10)